Some of the top SEO tips are SEO copywriting tips, but copy is not all that SEO is about. Search Engine Optimization is about making sure that your website can be found in the internet search results. As such, copy is only a small portion of what you need to be working on to make sure that your site is searchable.
- Some of the Best SEO Tips
- SEO copywriting tips
- The Latest SEO Tips To Avoid
- Fill social media with your presence. Just flood it. False. You definitely want social media, but too much will actually drive people away. You need to be crafty and clever in your social media implementation.
- Any content is okay. The more the better, no matter what it is. Also false. If the search engines catch you putting out the same keyword-laden, nonsense on dozens of different sites, not only will they catch it and stop it, but they will also penalize you for it.
- This one ties back into the last one: even if your content is not jammed full of keywords, it still needs to be relevant. The point of that copy is that it is supposed to actually be compelling, that you want people to actually read it, and you want people to like it enough to share it.
Aside from the SEO copywriting tips, which we’ll get to in a moment, the state of your website can actually play a huge role in how successful your SEO, and therefore your site, can actually be. In making sure that it is aesthetically pleasing, easy to navigate, and user friendly, you are increasing the chances that your site visitors will come back, and therefore become return traffic, not just one-time visitors.
All of the work that you do to draw people into your site will net you nothing if you do not make your site nice enough for them to want to return. Remember, the state of your website is your first impression to potential customers and clients. Be sure to give them the first impression that they’d receive if meeting you in person.
Why do you even need SEO copywriting tips? You write copy for SEO to provide content that links back to your site. In that link back, it proves to the search engines that you are relevant, as you are being referenced, and should therefore rank higher on the results.
Make sure, as you are writing that copy, that it uses and links to specific keywords that you want your website to be connected with. This can also impress the search engines into ranking you higher.
There are some tips that, though they mean well, are just plan crummy.
SEO is no easy task. No one ever said that it was. But, with the right tips, you can get a campaign started that will teach you the ropes. When you become a pro at it, it could even become second nature to you. It may never be truly easy, but it can become as fluid as muscle memory to make sure that your site is on the top of the search rankings.